The Hearts Of Our Smartphones: Mobile Software Development

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No one in their right senses can refute the importance of smartphones in our daily lives. They are not just helpful; they are life companions, offering services beyond imaginable limits. If you have been using a smartphone for some time and then miss to have it for even hours, you will undoubtedly concur with me on the fact that smartphones are inseparable from our lives. From the reminder application that wake us up in the morning and give us the day’s to do list, a map showing all the restaurants in town, to the games we use to relax after a daylong hustle; no one can possibly under estimate the importance of smartphones.

At the heart of every smartphones, throbs an operating system. This is the main program that enables the phone to run, interact with the user and enables installation of other applications. The windows mobile operating system, android and the iOS are the main contenders of the current mobile operating system market. Although some manufacturers are designing other operating systems, the above named ones have evolved over time to achieve the “life companion” idea. The main concept behind creating an operating system is to have a platform on which a mobile app software developer can create and run applications.

The iOS is a closed operating system used by only apples iPhone. One of the most revolutionary mobile application iPhone has ever created is Siri. An application that completely changed a user’s interaction with the iPhone. “Incredible” cannot exhaustively describe these applications. Siri can call people, text people, set up schedules, find a restaurant in town, and tell you what to wear and many more. And surprisingly, all this is done through voice commands; more surprising: siri responds in voice and asks question. What an amazing personal assistant! Using such an iPhone app in Sidney and other apps like timeout can upgrade your experience in the large confusing city.

Android is an open source operating system and this explains its use on numerous devices. Samsung has been on the front in producing android based devices with latest Samsung S5 featuring breakthrough designs. HTC, Motorola, Huawei and Lenovo also manufacture high end android devices. Current statistics indicate that there over 1,200,000 applications in the Google play store. Thanks to the dedicated and unrelenting effort towards android app development. Unlike iPhone app store whose free apps stand at 33 percent of the total apps, the Google owned app store offers a whopping 63 percent free app. Google has a good way of treating its customers I must stay. However, user be warned that there are numerous half-baked apps among this applications; poorly coded apps that will only work out your phone without visible results. 
Therefore, for that extra quality in applications, be sure spent some cash.

Nokia and windows app stores also offer innumerable choices of apps to be used on their platforms. The creation of Nokia X by Nokia enables the running of applications from 3 distinct platforms i.e. the Asha OS, android and windows operating system. They use the statement “your fast lane to android apps” to describe this device. Controversy has however risen since one cannot access the Google play store from the device.